
Once surgery has been deemed appropriate, the consent and booking process begins.

During the consent process, the patient is provided with a description of the proposed operation as well as the risks involved. Understanding the benefits of any surgery as well as the risks is very important. 

Printed handouts and an opportunity to answer any question will be given during the consultation and offered at any time prior to surgery. It is important to feel able to approach me or my staff with any queries you may have well in advance of surgery.  

Surgery is then organized along the following steps:

  • An operation booking form is given to my secretary to arrange a quote
  • A quote is provided to the patient (by mail or email) - see Costs
  • A date for surgery is arranged with the patient - exact admission times are given by our rooms or the hospital well in advance of the surgery. Please note children are usually operated on in order of age i.e babies will usually be done first on a morning list.
  • Information is provided to the patient to help them obtain quotes from the hospital and the anaesthetist.
  • Patients will be reminded to bring any relevant scans or hearing tests to surgery

If surgery is organized in a short time frame, most of these steps can be performed "while-you-wait" in our office.